
Counterfeit Dean Bank Treasurer's Checks and Money Orders Alert

August 18, 2017

Dean Bank has received and returned a number of counterfeit Treasurer's Checks as well as Money Orders from financial institutions in Arkansas, South Carolina and Ohio. We'd like our customers, local businesses and financial institutions that may have received them to know that they are not legitimate financial instruments and you should contact the proper authorities right away should you have one presented.

Dean Bank Mobile Banking and Bill Pay Conversion to begin on Tuesday, September 19, 2017

August 15, 2017

A few months ago I announced we’d be converting our Bill Payment solution, as well as our Mobile Banking and Mobile Check Deposit applications.  I’m confident that the issues discovered in late May, which delayed the conversion to our new electronic banking platform, have been resolved and we are ready to move ahead.  We will begin the electronic banking services conversion on Tuesday September 19th and finish on Thursday September 21st.

President's Message - March 2018

March 6, 2018

In last month’s President’s Message, I mentioned that our Main Office will be undergoing an ambitious expansion / modernization very soon.  The project plan calls for multiple phases and Phase One is about to begin.  I wanted to let our customers know that a construction start date of March 9th has been finalized and inform you of some of the changes that will be occurring over the first 30 days or so.

President's Message August 2017

July 28, 2017

I hope your summer travels have been safe and you’ve taken Dean Bank along to ensure reliable Debit Card processing as well as access to your account information through the mobile device of your choice.

President's Message - April 2018

April 2, 2018

As we look forward with anticipation to the warmer weather, longer days and outdoor activities, it’s notable that Dean Bank along with our fellow community banks nationwide commemorate the month of April as “Community Banking Month”.

President's Message June 2016

June 28, 2016

Summer is here and with it comes vacation travel. Over the years we've had many customers ask for suggestions about safeguarding access to their accounts, whether out of state or out of the country. I'd like to share some of the helpful suggestions our staff has compiled. From all of us here at Dean Bank, we wish you safe travels this summer!

President's Message - April 2019

April 2, 2019

As we look forward with anticipation to the warmer weather, longer days and outdoor activities, it’s notable that Dean Bank along with our fellow community banks nationwide commemorate the month of April as “Community Banking Month”.

President's Message, July 2019

July 2, 2019

I hope your summer travels have been safe so far and you’ve taken Dean Bank along to ensure reliable Debit Card processing and access to your account information through your mobile device of choice.

President's Message - August 2016

July 29, 2016

Dean Bank President’s Message August, 2016   Although the summer is still in full swing, thoughts of “back to school” and “hurricane season” loom large in the back of my mind.  I hope your summer travels have been safe and you’ve allowed Dean Bank to ensure reliable Debit Card processing by notifying us when you intend to be out of the New England area.  

President's Message - February 2018

February 7, 2018

2018 is off to a fast start and our staff has been working hard; implementing the new technology we’ve recently rolled out while getting ready to do more to improve your experience with us.

President's Message - February 2019

February 14, 2019

The year 2019 marks the 130th anniversary of Dean Bank but don’t expect a lot of fanfare over this anniversary.  It’s just another year in the history of an organization dedicated to the success of our customers.

President's Message - May 2017

May 15, 2017

If you were to ask a random person: “what first comes to mind when you think of an important date in May”?  The most likely response might be Mother’s Day or Memorial Day!  Here at Dean Bank it’s “New Year’s Day”!  April 30 ended the bank’s fiscal year and May 1 began a new one.

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