Privacy Policy


At Dean Bank, we believe that the confidentiality and protection of our customers' information is one of our fundamental responsibilities.

View our online Privacy Policy pdf.

Dean Bank will never request confidential information via email solicitation. Please report any such requests by calling 508.528.0088.

Dean Bank is a mutual thrift institution and as such is owned by its depositors and run by an elected Board of Directors. You can be confident that your financial privacy is a top priority of this financial institution. Please remember that Dean Bank...your bank...DOES NOT SELL information about you to anyone. If, after reading this disclosure, you have any questions, please contact one of our customer service representatives at 508.528.0088.

Protecting Your Privacy


Before discussing what information we may share with other entities, we will define some terms:

  • We, our, and us means Dean Bank.
  • Nonpublic personal information means information about you that we collect in connection with providing a financial product or service to you. Nonpublic personal information does not include information that is available from public sources, such as telephone directories or government records.
  • An affiliate is a company related by common ownership or control. They can be financial and nonfinancial companies. At this time, there are no companies that fit into this category.
  • A nonaffiliated third party is a company that is not related by common ownership or control. Dean Bank does not share your nonpublic financial information with nonaffiliates. At this time, there are no companies that fit into this category.
  • Joint Marketing is a formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you. Occasionally Dean Bank partners with companies in joint marketing initiatives. See below for more information on this topic.

Online Privacy Statement and Privacy Notice

Dean Bank is committed to safeguarding information about customers and visitors to this website.

Dean Bank’s Online Privacy Statement pertains to information that is collected when you visit or transact business on this website. The Privacy Notice explains our policy regarding consumer information applicable to our products and services in general. Consumer visitors and customers using this website may be subject to both the Online Privacy Statement and the Privacy Notice.

Online Privacy Statement

Visitors to this website remain anonymous. Dean Bank may use standard software to collect information about our visitors, such as:

  • Date and time the site was accessed
  • IP address (a numeric address given to servers connected to the Internet)
  • Web browser used
  • City, state and country

Dean Bank uses this information to create summary statistics and to determine the level of interest in information available on the site.

Visitors may elect to provide us with personal information via email or online registration forms. This information is used internally, as appropriate, to handle the sender’s request. It is not disseminated or sold to other organizations.

Some areas of our website may use “cookies” temporarily stored in the visitor’s computer memory (RAM) to allow the web server to log the pages you use within the site and to know if you have visited the site before.

Online Advertising

In order for relationship based or behavioral advertising opt-outs from the Dean Bank site and other sites to work on your device, your browser must be set to accept cookies. If you delete cookies, buy a new device, access our site or other sites from a different device, login under a different screen name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt-out again. If your browser has scripting disabled, you do not need to opt- out, as relationship based or online behavioral advertising technology does not work when scripting is disabled. Please check your browser's security settings to validate whether scripting is active or disabled.

  • Using cookies: Cookies are pieces of information stored directly on the device you are using. Cookies we use do not contain or capture unencrypted Personal Information. Cookies allow us to collect information such as browser type, time spent on the site, pages visited, language preferences, and your relationship with us. We use the information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, to display information more effectively, to personalize/customize your experience while visiting the site, and to recognize your device to allow your use of our online products and services. We collect statistical information about the usage of the site in order to continually improve the design and functionality, to monitor responses to our advertisements and content, to understand how account holders and visitors use the site and to assist us with resolving questions regarding the site. We also utilize cookies for our online advertising purposes. Please see the Online Behavioral Advertising section below for more information.

You can refuse to accept these cookies and most devices and browsers offer their own privacy settings for cookies. You will need to manage your cookie settings for each device and browser you use. However, if you do not accept these cookies, you may experience some inconvenience in your use of the site and some online products and services. For example, we will not be able to recognize your device and you will need to answer a challenge question each time you log on. You also may not receive customized advertising or other offers from us that may be relevant to your interests and needs.

Updates to this Privacy Notice

This Online Privacy Notice is subject to change. Please review it periodically. If we make changes to the Online Privacy Notice, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the top of this Notice. Any changes to this Notice will become effective when we post the revised Notice on the site. Your use of the site following these changes means that you accept the revised Notice.

Online Behavioral Advertising

Dean Bank uses advertising service providers to help us determine which of our advertisements are most likely to be of interest to you using certain Other Information such as web pages visited, search keywords entered, or your activities on our site. We limit access and collection of information for specific purposes by advertising service providers.

If you prefer we not use relationship based and/or certain Other Information to provide customized content and advertising you have the choice to opt out of remarketing.

Other Important Information

While we may disclose nonpublic information we collect, this information is limited to companies that perform marketing or other services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with whom we have joint marketing agreements.

To protect our customers' privacy, we only work with companies that agree to maintain strong confidentiality protections and limit the use of information we provide. We do not permit these companies to sell the information we provide them to other third parties. We may also disclose information we collect about you under other circumstances as permitted or required by law. These disclosures typically include information to process transactions on your behalf, conduct the operations of our bank, follow your instructions as you authorize, or protect the security of our financial records.

Why We Disclose Information

Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information.

Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.

Information We Collect About You

The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include your:

  • Social Security number and information that we obtain from you on applications
  • Name and information we receive from consumer reporting agencies
  • Address and information about your transactions with us or others

When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.

How We Protect Your Information

All financial institutions need to share nonpublic personal information to run their everyday business. Inside this brochure, we list the reasons financial companies can share their nonpublic personal information; the reasons Dean Bank chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing.

Privacy Policy - Facts (Rate Table)
FactsWhat Does Dean Bank Do With Your Personal Information?

Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.


The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include:

  • Social Security number and income
  • Account balances and payment history
  • Transaction history and credit history

When you are no longer our customer, we continue to share your information as described in this notice.


All financial companies need to share members

Privacy Policy - Reasons We Can Share Your Personal Information (Rate Table)
Reasons we can share your personal informationDoes Dean Bank share?Can you limit this sharing?

For our everyday business purposes -
such as to process your transactions, maintain your account(s), respond to court orders and legal investigations, or report to credit bureaus


For our marketing purposes -
to offer our products and services to you



For joint marketing with other financial companies

NoWe don’t share

For our affiliates

NoWe don’t share

For our affiliates

NoWe don’t share

For our affiliates to market to you

NoWe don’t share

For our nonaffiliates to market to you

NoWe don’t share
Privacy Policy - Questions? (Rate Table)

Call 508-528-0088

Privacy Policy - What We Do (Rate Table)

What We Do Questions

What we do

How does Dean Bank protect my personal information?

To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.

We also restrict access to your nonpublic personal information to those employees who have a specific business purpose for utilizing your data.

How does Dean Bank collect my personal information?

We collect your personal information, for example, when you

  • Open a deposit account or
  • Apply for a Loan
  • Authorize Dean Bank to verify the information you provide on an application or other form when conducting financial transactions.

We also collect your personal information from others, such as credit bureaus, affiliates, or other companies.

Why can't limit all sharing

Federal law gives you the right to limit only

  • Sharing for affiliates' everyday business purposes - information about your creditworthiness
  • Affiliates from using your information to market to you
  • Sharing for nonaffiliates to market to you

State laws and individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing.

Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACT Act)

On December 4, 2003, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (FACT Act) was signed into law. This law ensures that all citizens are treated fairly when they apply for a mortgage or other form of credit.

This legislation provides consumers, companies, consumer reporting agencies and regulators with important new tools that:

  • Expand access to credit and other financial services for all Americans,
  • Enhance the accuracy of consumers' financial information, and
  • Help fight identity theft.

These reforms make permanent the uniform national standards, and institute new, strong consumer protection.

At Dean Bank, our first priority is to protect you and your account relationship with us. Please be assured that your account information will be given the highest level of confidentiality. With that stated, Dean Bank may report information about your account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your credit report.

How You Can Protect Your Privacy

Dean Bank is committed to protecting the privacy of its customers. You can help by following these simple guidelines:

  • Protect your account numbers, card numbers, PINs (personal identification numbers) and passwords. Never keep your PIN with your debit or credit card, as this can provide free access to your accounts if your card is lost or stolen.
  • Use caution when disclosing your account numbers, social security numbers, etc. to other persons. If someone calls you, claiming the call is on behalf of the bank, and asks you for your account number, you should be wary. Official bank staff will have access to your information and will not need to ask for it.
  • Keep your information with us current. It is important that we have current information on how to reach you. If we detect potentially fraudulent or unauthorized activity on your account, we will attempt to contact you immediately. If your address or phone number changes, please let us know.

Protect Your Identity

  • Tear up unused credit offers and other documents containing personal information before discarding them.
  • Guard your social security number.
  • Don't release information to people you do not know, especially over the phone or Internet.
  • Review bank statements for accuracy.
  • If you are denied credit for no apparent reason, obtain a copy of your credit report.

You are entitled to one free annual report from each credit bureau. Obtain a free credit report from each of the three credit bureaus at Carefully review your report for indications of fraud.

If You Become a Victim

  • Contact the bank and all others with whom you have a financial relationship.
  • File a police report if you have had a loss.
  • Report the fraud to the major credit bureaus:
    Equifax: 1.800.525.6285
    Experian: 1.888.397.3742
    Trans Union: 1.800.680.7289

For additional help, call the Federal Trade Commission at 1.877.ID.THEFT or visit its website.

If you have any questions, please contact Dean Bank at 508.528.0088.

To report a lost or stolen Debit or ATM Card:

1.800.472.3272 (U.S.)
1.973.682.9794 (International)

If your debit/ATM card is lost, stolen, or if you think your PIN is being used by an unauthorized person(s), please call us immediately at 508.528.0088 during business hours or 1.800.472.3272 after normal business hours.