Bill Pay and Mobile Banking Conversion Postponed

To our Valued Customers:

I regret to inform you that the Bill Pay, Mobile Banking and Mobile Check Deposit conversion, scheduled to begin on June 6th must be rescheduled.   

This is perhaps the most difficult decision I’ve had to make since I began serving you as President of Dean Bank; but in the end the decision is rooted in the bank’s Mission Statement: “Dean Bank is the community bank that focuses on the success of our customers by providing outstanding products and services that exceed their expectations.”  Delivery of the new electronic banking platform on June 6th in its present condition would not support this mission. 

Issues were discovered during the final testing phase which will require some time to resolve.  We prefer delaying the launch of the new products rather than creating questions, confusion or frustration about the functionality of these vital electronic banking products.  We are working with our vendor to implement solutions to those issues as quickly as possible.  Once resolved, we will confirm a new conversion date (likely a September timeframe) and will resume the communication process with you. 

Dean Bank’s commitment to providing you, our valued customers, with the best user experience possible is an integral component in everything we do.  In our Brand Promise we assert that we are “Problem Solvers” and as difficult as it is, I feel that delaying the conversion is the appropriate solution at this time.

We are all very disappointed with this delay but we are committed to making the transition to our new electronic banking services seamless and successful. I am confident that once we resolve a number of lingering issues, the conversion to our new electronic banking platform will bring improvements in our service to you.


Kevin Goffe
President & CEO
Dean Bank