13 tools to help you meet your goals

13 Tools to help you meet your goals No matter what field you’re in, one of the hardest parts of business is successfully achieving growth. How you stay organized and manage your day-to-day tasks, is one of the most vital components in meeting your objectives. According to a Korn Ferry Survey, 45 percent of workers expect to receive a promotion in the upcoming year, however, only 39 percent of people last year, actually did. One can see the clear gap. While there are many tools available to help you get that promotion and reach your goals, it’s all about how you use them. Here are some of the top applications out there. Hootsuite Successful people follow the rule that simpler is better. So, if you’re working with social media, Hootsuite is the tool you need to keep your accounts aligned. With this application, you’re able to connect multiple social networks and run them under one roof. To help make sure you’re reaching goals, and seeing a proper ROI, the built-in analytics can help you track your progress. Asana No one can move forward without sticking to an organized schedule. Asana is one of the many ways you can organize projects. Setting up deadlines, subtasks, and dashboards are a few ways you can make sure your projects are running smoothly. Not only does this application hold you accountable, but it also keeps you motivated to reach your goals. Grammarly Everyone has different goals, but no matter what, confidence in communication is an important aspect of moving up. Often, the written word is the most prominent form of communication.  That’s why Grammarly is such an essential tool. Being able to catch spelling and grammatical errors, while also getting suggestions for how to eloquently rephrase your messages, can give you the confidence that your thoughts are well received. QuickBooks In the business world, one way to measure success is through a return of investment. If you’re a business owner, QuickBooks is a great online accounting tool to help measure all aspects of your desired growth goals. You should never be in the dark financially. From managing your invoices and payments, to keeping track of your tax deductions, this software covers it all! Todoist So many goal driven people create lists to accomplish tasks. They say if you write down your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. In the meantime, using tools like Todoist is a great idea for keeping your to do lists updated and organized. With this app you can access them from any device, rather than trying to keep track of the piece of paper you wrote them on last week. Slack Communication is key when you’re working in a team setting. Slack is a great way to keep communication with your team going throughout the day. Start a group and slack brings you together, whether you’re sharing a desk or working remote. With the constant communication that is application provides, your team will be able to complete those unified objectives. Dropbox There’s nothing worse than when you have a file you can’t save or share due to its size. If you have an email address, you understand the struggle. Dropbox eliminates this issue, which can stand in the way of productivity. Their advanced security features keep your files safe, while also providing options for sharing and collaboration. Thus, streamlining the sharing process. SEMrush Whether you’re a business owner or an employee, you need to be on top of your company’s brand. There is nothing more important than knowing how you are perceived, and where you rank among your competitors. SEMrush can help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to trends. Look for a word or phrase, and it will provide you with the search volume. It would be beneficial for your business to know upcoming marketing and SEO trends. Google Analytics Have you ever wondered if your marketing efforts are working? Checking your statistics on Google Analytics can tell you exactly what resonates with your target audience. It will help you track your site, see who’s visiting, and learn about your demographic. When it comes to your target, it’s always better to be in the know. Not to mention, knowing more will always give you a leg up professionally. EchoSign It’s stressful to lose something important. Maybe, something as important as a printed contract. To help combat this and also save your company thousands on paper supplies, EchoSign is a great tool to suggest. With the ability to sign documents over a device and save them securely, you’ll never need to worry about losing a valuable document again. SlideShare Whether you’re working remote or traveling for business, it can be hard to explain a new project’s progress over the phone. SlideShare lets you post a slide deck for others to see. That way everyone can go over slides together, and be on the same page when it comes to communicating ideas. Upwork Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day, and not enough people to get the job done. Hiring a freelancer can sometimes be the way to go when you’re in a rush. Platforms like Upwork are perfect resources for hiring freelancers to help make sure everything gets done. With their transparent services, the program allows you to track the process of your project and add commentary while the freelancer works. Your boss will be happy that you took the initiative to use your resources. Toggl What did you do last week, last month, or even last year? Sometimes it’s hard to remember everything you worked on come review time. Toggl is a time tracking app that can answer those questions for you. Name what you’re doing and start the timer. Toggl will log your daily tasks. That way you have a pre-made list of all your hard work and progress, showing you met objectives. Using these tools will help make sure you’re doing your best work and meeting your goals. While these are just few, there are so many more out there to utilize. QuickBooks Bio: QuickBooks is an online accounting software that helps with all your accounting needs. Owned by Intuit, the company was created in 1983 by Scott Cook and Tom Proulx. The company strives to help freelancers, small business owners, and entrepreneurs with financial management.